Today, on what didn't start as a good day the pilgrims from the Syro-Malabar Community began to gather here at The Friars. Within a short time they had converted the piazza into an amazing spectacle with flags and brightly coloured silk umbrellas with silver metal fringes. There were two icons on display, one of Kuriakose Elias Chavara and another of Saint Alphonsa, a Franciscan sister.

On either side of the main shrine were a number of statues which would later be carried in procession. As if this was not sufficient the benches began to fill with an overwhelming array of coloured silk saris and dresses for the women and the men were not left out with bright shirts and cotton dhotis. The gathering ceremony was short and was followed by a Rosary Procession which wound its way round the Rosary Way and back to the main shrine area.

It really was a feast for the eyes and ears. Such evocative singing to the beat of those drums, so much colour, so many beautiful children. Our Lady must have been delighted!